What Do You Really Remember?
We have all been in a class where one or a few of the
participants claim to know everything there is to know about the discussion
topic. This is an exercise to emphasize there is always something new to learn.
Start by dividing your participants into even teams of three
to six. If one team has an extra person, it is ok.
On a scrap piece of paper, have each participant write down
an estimate of how many dimes they have touched in their lifetime. Just for
fun, they can say it aloud if they choose.
On a sheet of flip chart paper, have one person from each group draw two circles on their respective pieces of paper so it looks like the diagram below. Label one circle front and one circle back.

Ask the participants to elect one person from their team to draw.
Each team participant then gives the elected drawer directions on how to draw
the front image and back image of a dime in the correct circle.
Participants are trying to recreate the front and back of a dime
from memory in one minute. Be sure to point out that the participants have seen
and touched a dime many times before. Please ask all participants not to look
in their pocket or purse for a dime until the exercise is finished.
At the end of one minute, have the participants compare the
drawn images with an actual dime. Be sure to point out major differences. To
tie it together, explain that even though we are familiar with a specific item
or concept, we may not remember all the details. Emphasize to the participants
that there is always material to learn, or in some cases relearn.