Grow Your Business.

The completely revised 11th Edition of AAA Driver Improvement Program can help you grow your business by reaching more students. Instruction is delivered in eight, one-hour chapters that can be presented in 8, 6 or 4 hour lengths depending on state requirements. Or you can use individual units for presentations to civic groups or “lunch and learn” seminars.  

Get Certified. Get Support.

We require all instructors to go through our certification program before they can purchase or teach with our program. This means a greater level of support for you, plus networking opportunities to further grow your reach.


Our program comes with two versions: AAA Driver Improvement Program and AAA RoadWise Driver. AAA's Driver Improvement is used for ticket dismissal/ point adjudication, fleet operators and persons authorized to drive State, County or municipal-owned vehicles.  AAA RoadWise Driver is a true senior-focused version which addresses natural age-based changes, managing one’s medications, adjusting habits to reduce risk, and the value of planning for ongoing mobility.

New and Expanded Content

The 11th edition curriculum has been completely updated, adding information on ADAS/ Vehicle Technology, Safe Traffic Stops, The Dutch Reach Technique and AAA's R.E.A.D. the Road approach to low-risk driving.  Other content areas have been expanded and updated as well, such as: Vulnerable Road Users, Slow Down-Move Over laws, Roundabouts, Marijuana/ Cannabis/ THC and driving.


We require instructors to get club permission as part of their certification process. Once certified, our instructors can be confident of standing out and above their competition.

This program is for teaching:

Traffic Offenders
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Corporate Fleets
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Senior Drivers
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Click Here to Learn More About our Driver Improvement Program!

All you can teach…

…Everything you’ve wanted

Our comprehensive program provides everything you need to start teaching. No need to search for additional videos! For added flexibility, our video content is completely embedded within the downloadable PowerPoint presentation deck.  No need for a DVD player or streaming service!

No yawning beyond this point

Actually Engaging Material

Our completely revised student workbooks leverage in-video exercises and classroom activities to help grab students’ attention and retain more of your teaching.

The Future is here….today!

Modern technology at your disposal

Educational technology is changing rapidly. We help you modernize with features and imagery that will keep your students informed and engaged.

Certification Process:

Becoming an Instructor

Instructors teach to the general public.


  • Written approval from local AAA club prior to registering for the class
  • No major infractions on driving record for past 3 years
  • Pass certification class with a score of 70 or better
  • Be a minimum of 21 years old
  • Recertification is every 3 years

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email the Driver Training Team

Becoming a Lead Instructor

Lead Instructors train and certify others to become instructors.


  • Written approval from local AAA club prior to registering
  • Taught DIP, (as an instructor), for at least one year
  • No major infractions on driving record for the past 3 years
  • Score 88 or better in the DIP certification course
  • Recertification is every 3 years
Create an account

What's Included?

The Driver Improvement Program consists of the following components, which are sold separately or as part of a package.

1.Instructor Guide (Downloadable PowerPoints)

The completely downloadable DIP Instructor Guide includes details lesson plans for all 9 modules of the Driver Improvement course and a separate Instructor Guide contains all 7 modules of the RoadWise Driver course – everything you need to start teaching is laid out explicitly:

  • Module overview of topics and lesson aims
  • Completely customizable PowerPoint presentation slides including all video
  • Speaking notes – know what to say, when to initiate activities, and when to play video assets
  • Additional tips to add to your lesson and guide you as you teach

2.Teaching Videos (3.75 Hours)

The Driver Improvement PowerPoint presentation contains 1.75 hours of HD video and the RoadWise Driver PowerPoint contains 2 hours. Our videos are broken up into small segments and you can mix and match as you need or you can follow the directions in the Instructor Guide on when to play them.

All videos are equipped with English closed captioning (for your hearing impaired students).


3.Student Manual

These engaging students guides immerse the student in your teaching sessions by asking questions and providing activities based on the content being covered.

Divided into the same corresponding modules of the rest of the program, this consumable guide will help ensure your students have what they need to succeed.

Available Delivery Methods:

  • Paperback (English only)

For More Information on the Driver Improvement Program

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Sample Instructor Experience