
PowerPoint Presentation Tips

This table lists the most frequently used shortcuts in PowerPoint for Windows.

Start a presentation from the beginning. F5
Start a presentation from the current slide. Shift+F5
Start the presentation in Presenter View. Alt+F5


PowerPoint 2010 and 2007: Not available

Perform the next animation or advance to the next slide. N



Page Down

Right arrow key

Down arrow key


Perform the previous animation or return to the previous slide. P


Page Up

Left arrow key

Up arrow key


Hide the pointer and navigation buttons. Ctrl+H
Display a blank black slide, or return to the presentation from a blank black slide. B


Period (.)

Display a blank white slide, or return to the presentation from a blank white slide. W


Comma (,)

Stop or restart an automatic presentation. S
End the presentation. Esc


In PowerPoint 2010 and 2007, Hyphen (-)


Control the slide show

The following keyboard shortcuts apply while you’re delivering your presentation in Slide Show (full-screen) mode, with or without the Presenter View.


Go to a specific slide. Type the slide number, then press Enter
Go to the next slide, if the next slide is hidden. H
View the All Slides dialog. Ctrl+S


PowerPoint 2007: Not available

Return to the first slide. Home


In PowerPoint 2010 and newer, press and hold the Right and Left mouse buttons for 2 seconds

Go to the last slide. End
View the computer task bar. Ctrl+T


PowerPoint 2007: Not available

Display the context menu. Shift+F10
Go to the next hotspot on the current slide.


(Hotspots include hyperlinks, animation triggers, audio objects, and video objects.)

Go to the last or previous hyperlink on the current slide. Shift+Tab
Perform the “mouse click” behavior on the selected hyperlink.


(Follow the selected hyperlink.)

Enter while a hyperlink is selected